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Speak up: Your voice matters.
Contact House + Senate Leadership.
Contact RI Speaker of the House
Joe Shekarchi: (401) 222-2447
Senate President
Dominick Ruggerio: (401) 222-6655
“Hello my name is ____ and I am calling to ask that you prioritize the passage of HB5929 and S0484: The Doula Reimbursement Act. This life saving bill would create more access to better perinatal care for more Rhode Island Families and reduce the racial disparities associated with birth outcomes in RI. I support this bill and I ask you to prioritize that it passes this year.”
Sign on to our Open Letter.
It only takes a moment- sign your name to our open letter in support of doula reimbursement.
Click here to read the letter and add your name.
Over 800 people have already signed on to the letter, and more are signing every day.
The letter will be presented to key legislators and will be brought to the bill hearings to show the immense support our community has for this bill.
Make sure your name is on it!
Contact House Finance Chair Marvin Abney.
Representative Abney is the chair of the House Finance committee, where the Doula Reimbursement Act has been heard in previous years, but never passed. Please call and email him and tell him you support the 2021 RI Doula Reimbursement Act and ask that his committee vote to support this bill this year.
Rep. Marvin Abney: (401) 487-1380
“Hello my name is ____ and I am calling to ask that you prioritize the passage of HB5929: The Doula Reimbursement Act. This life saving bill would create more access to better perinatal care for more Rhode Island Families and reduce the racial disparities associated with birth outcomes in RI. I support this bill and I ask you to prioritize that it passes this year.”
Contact your State Reps.
Your state representative and state senator will have a chance to vote on the doula budget item and the doula bill. It is essential that they hear from you to know that this is an issue their constituents care about.
Find your State Representative by clicking here and their contact info here
Find your State Senator by clicking here here and their contact info here.
Call + email them and ask them to commit to you that they will vote YES on the doula budget item and 2021 Doula Reimbursement Act.
Note: The following Legislators are co-sponsors of the RI Doula Reimbursement Act- if your Representative or Senator are on this list, please consider calling to thank them for their support.
House: Rep. Marcia Ranglin-Vassel, Rep. Liana Cassar, Rep. Rebecca Kislak, Rep. Susan Donovan, Rep. Grace Diaz, Rep. Edie Ajello, Rep. Terri Cortvriend, Rep. Lauren Carson, Rep. June Speakman, Rep. Jason Knight, Rep Michelle McGaw, Rep. Nathan Biah, Rep. Jacquelyn Baginski, Rep. Carol Hagan McEntee, Rep. Kathy Fogarty, Rep. Teresa Tanzi, Rep. Mary Messier, Rep. Julie Casimiro, Rep. Brandon Potter, Rep. David Morales, Rep. Jose Batista, Rep. Leona Felix, Rep. Jean Philippe Barros, Rep. Briana Henries, Rep Gregg Amore, Rep. Camille Vella-Wilkinson
Senate: Senator Ana Quezada, Senator Tiara Mack, Senator Senator Sandra Cano, Senator Lou DiPalma, Senator Walter Felag, Senator Frank Lombardo, Senator Jeanine Calkin, Senator Jonathan Acosta, Senator Valerie Lawson, and Senator Bridget Valverde
Contact the Governor.
There are two key elements to securing access to doula care in RI, the doula budget item and the Doula Reimbursement Act. The governor can weigh in on both but is especially influential in the budget. Happily, Governor McKee has put the doula item in the proposed budget. We need to make sure it stays in the final version, and that our bill passes as well.
Please call - (401) 222-2080
and email -
“Hi my name is ____ calling from (town) to thank the Governor for including the Doula Reimbursement Item in the proposed 2022 budget. Please make sure that it stays in the final version, and also that Governor McKee supports the Doula Reimbursement Act.”
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It takes all of us to pass this bill- your social media pages can raise awareness about this essential bill.